What is this?
This is a very smart replacement for
gettext under PHP, to build multilingual scripts.
We use
to periodically update the strings to be translated. All the stuff is in
source file, so you work with a single and small multilingual program.
gettext function _() has been replaced by __(). Read the following tutorial and enjoy it.
For technical assistence mail me at mm AT nisu.org
Why not gettext?
gettext is an excellent soft for programming with C. To use it under PHP you need:
- To have it compiled in your php.
- Set up a lot of directories.
- Use several external programs to maintain the translations.
- Use LC_ settings.
- Do the HTTP ACCEPT_LANGUAGE parsing by yourself.
- ...
mmGetText is a single tool and does the work in your source code, so if you write a single, small
script, using
mmGetText you still have a single, small script and nothing more. Also
determines the most appropriate language for the current execution of your script.
Beginning ...
We start our
step.php program with:
echo __("Hello word\n");
The function __() is the replacement for the gettext function _().
If we try to run this program, is obvious than a parse error occurs.
Now, we close our editor (or use someone with automatic reloading) and execute:
php mmGetText.php step.php
You must insert into your source php:
/* mmGetText start */
/* mmGetText end */
This will set the area where translations and related function will be inserted.
So, we do it, leaving
step.php as:
echo __("Hello word\n");
/* mmGetText start */
/* mmGetText end */
Then, we close our editor, and execute again:
php mmGetText.php step.php
, "Hello word\n" not translated
It seems that the call to mmIniStr is missing,
for example mmSetLang(mmIniStr('en'),'en');
First translation. ^
Then, with our editor, we open or reload
step.php and we find something like (do not worry,
we explain how to avoid modifying your scripts with our ugly code):
// ************** Here the translations
/* new */
"Hello word\n" => array( ),
// ************** Here the translations
Then, we do some translation, for example to Spanish and French, changing:
array( )
array("es" => "Hola mundo\n", 'fr' => "Bon jour, monde\n" )
We save the file, exit from editor and re-run:
php mmGetText.php step.php
You will obtain:
It seems that the call to mmIniStr is missing,
for example mmSetLang(mmIniStr('en'),'en');
We open
step.php and we find:
"Hello word\n" => array(
'es' => "Hola mundo\n",
'fr' => "Bon jour, monde\n", ),
Setting up ... ^
Then we substitute:
echo __("Hello word\n");
// my program is written in english 'en'
// I set the language of the current execution, defaulting to 'en'
echo __("Hello word\n");
echo __("Water\n");
The variable
$availableLangs is not necessary. After the execution of
mmSetLang, a new
variable, named
$whichLang has been defined, containing the default language for the current execution
of the program, you do not need to use it, but you can do it. Also, the variable named
$lang_lang is defined by
mmIniStr, but you should not modify it at runtime.
Now, we close the editor and we re-run:
php mmGetText.php step.php
fr, "Water\n" not translated
The source code has been modified to:
"Hello word\n" => array(
'es' => "Hola mundo\n",
'fr' => "Bon jour, monde\n", ),
/* new */
"Water\n" => array(
'es' => "",
'fr' => "", ),
Then we can insert our translations, and so, on.
Using __(). ^
The use of __() is trivial, but here you are some ideas. For example, the no-multilingual expression:
echo "<h3>Some string $somevar other string</h3>";
cannot be rewritten as:
echo __("<h3>Some string $somevar other string</h3>");
because the string to be translated cannot be variable.
Instead, it can be rewritten as:
echo "<h3>".__("Some string ").$somevar.__(" other string")."</h3>";
where HTML code has been deliberately left out of the call.
Or better:
echo "<h3>".sprintf(__("Some string %s other string"),$somevar)."</h3>";
because, by syntactical reasons, in some translations the position of
$somevar may be very different from the original.
Using with several files.
If you are building a project involving several php files, you can use
mmGetText with every one (obvious).
Also you can build a translation file and include it from the rest of php files. To do it:
- Build a php file containing only <? mmIniStr( ... ); mmSetLang ( ... ); ?>, i.e. lang.php.
- Write your php files using __().
- Include lang.php at the beginning of every file.
- Run:
php mmGetText.php lang.php onefile.php otherfile.php ...
mmGetText affects only to the first parameter (
lang.php in the example), but reads strings
from all the files.
Inport/export. ^
You can import/export from the original 'po' getText format. Executing:
php mmGetText.php -a ca file1.php file2.php ...
Will produce a file called
file1.php.ca.po containing the translations for the lannguaje 'ca' in getText format. Executing:
php mmGetText.php -d ca somefile.po lang.php onefile.php otherfile.php ...
Will update
lang.php, merging with the 'ca' translations taken from
somefile.po in getText format.
Reference. ^
function mmIniStr ($mylang)
Called to set up then global var
$lang_lang. You should not modify this var, you do not need use it.
$mylang is the language in which the program is written.
Returns an array with the available languages in the form (
$def => 1 ,
first trans => 2,
second trans => 2 ).
function mmSetLang ($langs,$def)
Determines the language of the current execution.
Language is negotiated with browser. If no match is found, the LC_LANG is inspected. If no match is found, use the
$def parameter.
$langs: the result to calling
$def: default lang if not match.
Does not return nothing, sets $whichLang and $altLang.
function forceLangSession ($lang)
This function allows force language, if called, must be before
If parameter
$lang is set, then set it in
Then if
$_SESSION is set (now or previously), force
function __ ($mes,$lang='')
Does runtime translation.
$mes: the message to be translated;
$lang: optional, use it if a different language than detected is needed.
mmGetText string detection is based in regular expressions, so it can fail:
- if the source program has syntactic problems on strings definition (detected in the 99% of cases),
- if you use sophisticated (unnecessary and inappropriate) strings.
So after using it, you should verify that your program still compiles and works.
If it does not,
mmGetText.php keeps a copy of your source code as file~ .